Organic Compost
Composting is by its very nature organic. The term "organic compost" is almost redundant in meaning, but it is used frequently online and offline so we include it here.
Organic material are changed into humus or compost through the work of microorganisms, soil fauna, fungi and enzymes. When making compost, you need to create the most harmonious environment for these organisms to perform. If properly done, the decomposition process works - often in as little as a few weeks! If the environment you provide is lacking on any of the four required ingredients (carbon, nitrogen, water and oxygen), decomposition still occurs, but takes from several months to several years.
All organic material eventually decomposes. By providing
an ideal environment, composting speeds the process for microorganisms, bacteria
and fungi. The result, humus or compost, is rich in nutrients, and appears as if
it is soil that came directly from your garden. This dark, crumbly,
earthy-smelling stuff works wonders on all kinds of soil.
Decomposing matter consist of bacteria, fungi, and larger organisms such as
worms, sow bugs, nematodes, and numerous others. Decomposing organisms need four
key elements to thrive: carbon, nitrogen, water, and oxygen. For best results,
mix materials high in nitrogen (such as clover, fresh grass clippings, and
livestock manure) and those high in carbon (such as dried leaves and twigs).
Here are some effective recipes for the backyard
A Compost Recipe
Decomposing occurs most efficiently when the ratio of
carbon-rich to nitrogen-rich matter in your compost pile is approximately 25:1.
In practical terms, if you want to have an active compost pile, you should
include lots of high-carbon "brown" materials (such as straw, wood chips, or dry
leaves) and a lesser amount of high-nitrogen "green" materials (such as grass
clippings, freshly pulled weeds, or kitchen scraps).
If your pile has too much nitrogen and not enough carbon, your pile will also
decompose very slowly and it will probably be soggy and smelly along the way.
But don’t worry about determining the exact carbon content of a material or
achieving a precise 25:1 ratio. Composting
doesn’t need to be an exact science. All organic matter breaks down eventually,
no matter what you do. If you simply use about 3 times as much "brown" materials
as "green" materials, you’ll be off to a great start.
Brown Matter (high-carbon materials)
- Corncobs and Stalks
- Dry Leaves
- Paper
- Pine Needles
- Sawdust or Wood Shavings
- Shredded Paper
- Straw
- Vegetable Stalks
Green Matter (high-nitrogen materials)
- Alfalfa Meal
- Coffee Grounds
- Eggshells
- Feathers or Hair
- Fresh Leaves
- Fresh Weeds
- Fruit Wastes
- Grass Clippings
- Kitchen Scraps
- Rotted Manure
- Seaweed
Here are some simple compost recipes to help you along the way. You will need to experiment to find the best one for your area.
Sample Compost Recipes
* 1 part fresh grass clippings
* 1 part dry leaves
* 1 part good garden soil
Spread the ingredients in 3-inch-deep layers to a height of 3 to 4 feet.
* 2 parts fresh grass clippings
* 2 parts straw or spoiled hay
* 1 part good garden soil
Spread the ingredients in 4-inch layers, sprinkling about 1 inch of garden soil
and adding water to the layers.
* 2 parts dry leaves
* 1 part fresh grass clippings
* 1 part food scraps
Spread ingredients in 4-inch layers, adding water if needed.
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Think Four Seasons: When designing your backyard landscape, remember that there are four seasons. You will want flowers and shrubs which bloom during different times of the season, autumn foliage during the fall, and a structure that can withstand the winter.
Plan before you dig a water garden. Before you even start to think of digging to put in a water garden, make sure you plan everything in advance. Dimensions, the type of water garden you want to have, how deep it will need to be and if you need any permits to do so. If in doubt, call a professional out to help you. That's why they are there.
Get the right supplies for the job. Make sure you always get the exact right supplies you need for the job at hand. Don't skimp on quality when you are landscaping your backyard as you will pay dearly for it in the long run.